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The 100 has changed her life as she told her story about how she was planning to leave for Australia and the series saved her career. Fast forward seven years and she was in the cast of The CW’s post-apocalyptic series The 100. There she managed to acquire some small roles in movies and series but none of them were significant.

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In 2007, Eliza moved to the UK for further opportunities. In this period, she got herself nominated for the Inside Soap Award. After three years in the set, she resigned from her role and got out of the show. Eliza was selected to play the role of Janae Timmins. She was doing quite alright but it wasn’t until 2005 that she got her first real break in 2005 in the daily soap Neighbours. Eliza started as a child artist and appeared in children’s TV series like Pirate Islands and The Sleepover Club.

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She was born in Melbourn to a Standup comedian stepfather and graphic designer mother. She started as most Australian actors do and followed the conventional path of moving to Hollywood after setting their fame back at home. Eliza Taylor, the fantastic actress from Australia is surely on an upward ride of her career.

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